
In India, cirrhosis of the liver stands as a significant health concern. Liver disease-related deaths in the country have reached horrible levels, contributing mainly to the nation's mortality rate.
Hernias occur when an organ or tissue protrudes through a weak spot in the muscle or connective tissue. Despite successful repair surgery, there's trouble with recurrence.
We know that, In India, Liver disease problems are increasing very rapidly due to lifestyle modification and unhealthy foods but the awareness about liver disease
Have you ever experienced gastrointestinal cases that precisely won't go down, habitual stomach pain, or unexplainable weight loss?
Constipation can be uncomfortable and frustrating, affecting millions of people worldwide. While occasional constipation is usual, habitual constipation can significantly impact one's quality of life.
A fistula is a Connection between two organs or vessels that are not normally connected. Fistulas can arise in various parts of the body
The gallbladder is a thin-walled pear-shaped sac located beneath the liver. It is responsible for concentrating and storing bile from the liver and releases bile into the small intestine